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时间:2023-11-23 12:05来源:访问量:

田园城市太仓,拥有众多风光优美、民俗独趣、精致怡人的乡村旅游点,既 可供观光、采摘、餐饮,还可供集会、茶话、养生。重要景点如:全国农业 旅游示范点电站村、永丰村“独溇小海”、东林村、万丰村“杜柴塘休闲基 地”、三市村“三市古村落”等。

Taicang, known as a garden city, has many countryside tourist destinations with beautiful landscapes, unique and interesting folk custom and delicate and pleasant environment. They are suitable for sightseeing, experiencing harvest and enjoying delicious food, and also for meetings, tea-talking and health preservation. Major scenic spots include: Dianzhan Village, which is a national agricultural tourism demonstration village, Dulouxiaohai eco-park in Yongfeng Village, Duchaitang Leisure Base in Donglin Village and Wanfeng Village, and Sanshi Ancient Village in Sanshi Village.

