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时间:2023-11-23 12:10来源:访问量:

国家 AAA 级景区。原为明代万历年间首辅王锡爵赏梅种菊处。园内景域辽 阔、空间宽敞、小桥流水、碧波荡漾,配上每年一度的夏季荷展和金秋菊 展,雅士云集。

It is a national 3A scenic spot. During the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, it was the place where the Grand Secretary Wang Xijue enjoyed plum blossoms and planted chrysanthemum flowers. The garden boasts broad view, spacious space, small bridges and flowing green water with ripples. The lotus exhibition in summer and the chrysanthemum exhibition in autumn held each year attracts a great number of people of refined tastes.

